The “B” Word (Blisters)

So far I haven’t had actual blisters, but some very painful areas on my left foot: the pad just below my big toe and the lower part of my heel. I hate these more than blisters because they are spread out and harder to define. The problem with my toe is not so much a … Read more

The Wonderful World of Goretex

You’ve read about our experience of being caught in the worst downpour since records began, Goretex is now our best friend. When I first bought the waterproof trousers I got home and thought, F***, I’ve just paid £90 for plastic trousers. No, no, no. I ‘m so glad I didn’t take them back and buy … Read more

New boots (and trekking gear in general)

Got some new boots today. These are not as macho looking as my previous leather ones, but they are lighter and ventilate better. Most importantly there is room for the shock absorber insoles. Saxophone players use an expression “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” or “GAS”. It’s very often associated with amateurs, but can quite easily spread up … Read more

The Pedometer

(Or is it Podometer – I can never remember). Laurie bought me this for Christmas and its great. Here is an example of what it tells you: Pedometer It’s great to get to the pub at lunchtime and know that you can replace all those calories. As long as you make a creative guess about … Read more